Ryan Holiday

Ryan Holiday 

Ryan Holiday is an American author, media strategist, and entrepreneur. He is best known for his work in the areas of stoicism and marketing. Born on June 16, 1987, in Sacramento, California, Holiday has become a prominent figure in the world of self-help and personal development.

Some of Ryan Holiday's notable works include:

"The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and the Art of Living" (with Stephen Hanselman, 2016): Co-authored with Stephen Hanselman, this book offers daily meditations based on Stoic philosophy, providing readers with practical wisdom for everyday life.

"The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph" (2014): Drawing inspiration from Stoic philosophy, particularly the works of Marcus Aurelius, this book explores the idea that obstacles and challenges are opportunities for personal and professional growth.

"Ego Is the Enemy" (2016): This book delves into the destructive nature of ego, how it impedes success, and provides insights on how to manage and overcome it. It draws on historical examples and stories to illustrate its points.

Ryan Holiday has been praised for his ability to blend ancient philosophy with contemporary challenges, offering practical advice for individuals seeking personal and professional growth. Aside from his writing, he has also worked in marketing and has been involved in various media and creative projects.


The Daily Stoic

By Ryan Holiday

The Daily Stoic By Ryan Holiday 

"The Daily Stoic" is a modern guide to the ancient philosophy of Stoicism, offering daily meditations and insights drawn from the teachings of Stoic thinkers like Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius. The book provides a year-long journey, offering practical wisdom and timeless principles to help readers navigate the challenges of daily life. Holiday distills the profound ideas of Stoicism into short, thought-provoking passages, encouraging readers to reflect on their actions, cultivate resilience, and find tranquility in the midst of chaos.

  • Format: The book is structured as a daily devotional, with each day featuring a specific Stoic principle or insight.
  • Quotes: Each day begins with a quote from a Stoic philosopher, followed by Holiday's commentary and reflections.
  • Themes: The book covers a wide range of themes, including resilience, self-discipline, virtue, and the acceptance of things beyond our control.
  • Practical Application: Holiday provides practical exercises and challenges to help readers apply Stoic principles in their daily lives.
  • Timeless Wisdom: Despite its ancient origins, "The Daily Stoic" emphasizes the enduring relevance of Stoicism, showing how its teachings can be applied in the contemporary world.
  • Reflections: The daily entries encourage introspection and self-awareness, prompting readers to consider how they can live with greater wisdom and purpose.
  • Accessible Language: Holiday's writing is clear, accessible, and engaging, making Stoic philosophy approachable for readers of all backgrounds.
  • Universal Appeal: The book is suitable for both those new to Stoicism and those familiar with the philosophy, offering insights that resonate with a broad audience.
  • Inspiration for Daily Living: "The Daily Stoic" serves as a practical guide for cultivating a Stoic mindset, providing inspiration for facing challenges and fostering personal growth.
  • Enduring Impact: The book has garnered widespread acclaim for its ability to distill complex philosophical concepts into practical, applicable daily wisdom.

Get The Daily Stoic on Amazon


The Obstacle is the Way

By Ryan Holiday

The Obstacle is the Way By Ryan Holiday 

"The Obstacle is the Way" is a contemporary examination of the age-old Stoic philosophy that provides helpful and practical advice on how to overcome challenges and find success in the face of adversity. The book draws inspiration from the Stoic principles of perception, action, and will, encouraging readers to view obstacles not as insurmountable barriers, but as opportunities for growth and transformation. Ryan Holiday explores historical examples and contemporary anecdotes to illustrate how individuals have applied these principles to navigate difficulties and achieve greatness. Here's a concise summary:


  • Change your perspective on obstacles; see them as opportunities.
  • Embrace challenges with a clear and objective mindset.
  • Cultivate resilience and mental toughness.


  • Take decisive and deliberate steps toward your goals.
  • Use obstacles as a catalyst for creative problem-solving.
  • Focus on what you can control and let go of what you can't.


  • Develop inner strength and perseverance.
  • Transform obstacles into stepping stones for personal and professional development.
  • Cultivate a mindset of endurance and persistence.

Historical Wisdom

  • Explore stories of historical figures who exemplify the Stoic philosophy.
  • Learn from individuals who turned adversity into advantage.

Practical Application

  • Apply Stoic principles to your own life and challenges.
  • Develop a proactive and resilient mindset in the face of setbacks.

Mindfulness and Acceptance

  • Practice mindfulness to stay present and focused.
  • Accept the reality of the situation and work with what you have.

Continuous Improvement

  • View every obstacle as an opportunity for learning and improvement.
  • Embrace challenges as a means of refining your skills and character.

"The Obstacle is the Way" serves as a practical guide for individuals seeking to navigate the complexities of life with a resilient and Stoic mindset, offering timeless wisdom for overcoming obstacles and achieving success.

Get The Obstacle is the Way on Amazon 


Ego is the Enemy

By Ryan Holiday

Ego is the Enemy By Ryan Holiday 

"Ego is the Enemy" is a compelling exploration of the destructive influence of unchecked ego on personal and professional success. Holiday draws on timeless wisdom and anecdotes from historical figures to illustrate how ego impedes growth, undermines relationships, and obstructs true achievement. The book serves as a guide for overcoming the pitfalls of ego, advocating for humility, self-awareness, and a focus on continuous learning. In a world where ego often drives behavior, Holiday's insights provide valuable lessons on the path to genuine success.

Ego's Three Stages

  • Holiday outlines ego's progression through three stages: Aspiration, Success, and Failure. Each stage presents unique challenges and requires vigilant self-awareness to navigate effectively.

The Danger of Aspiration

  • Holiday warns against the dangers of ego during the Aspiration phase, where individuals are driven by ambition. Ego can distort reality and hinder the development of necessary skills.

Success as a Double-Edged Sword

  • The book highlights how success can be a breeding ground for ego. Instead of fostering gratitude and humility, accomplishments can inflate one's sense of self-importance, leading to complacency.

Learning from Failure

  • Holiday emphasizes the importance of embracing failure as an opportunity for growth. Ego often prevents individuals from learning from their mistakes, perpetuating a cycle of stagnation.

The Humility of the Student Mindset

  • A key theme is the value of maintaining a student mindset throughout one's journey. Approaching life with humility and a willingness to learn fosters resilience and adaptability.

Service and Contribution Over Self-Advancement

  • The book advocates for a shift in focus from self-advancement to contributing to something greater than oneself. By prioritizing service and collaboration, individuals can mitigate the negative effects of ego.

Cultivating Perseverance

  • Perseverance, according to Holiday, is a powerful antidote to ego. By remaining committed to the journey rather than fixating on immediate success, individuals can build resilience and stay grounded.

The Role of Mentorship

  • Mentorship is highlighted as a crucial component in combating ego. Learning from others and accepting guidance can provide valuable perspectives and help individuals stay on a path of continuous improvement.

In essence, "Ego is the Enemy" is a guide for navigating the complex interplay of ego and success, offering practical insights to help individuals overcome the obstacles posed by their own self-importance.

Get Ego is the Enemy on Amazon


Stillness is Key

By Ryan Holiday

Stillness is Key By Ryan Holiday 

In "Stillness is Key," Ryan Holiday explores the timeless wisdom of finding tranquility in the midst of life's chaos. Drawing on the teachings of Stoicism and the experiences of historical figures, Holiday argues that stillness is not merely the absence of movement but a profound state of mind essential for a meaningful and purposeful life. Through a blend of philosophical insights and practical advice, the book encourages readers to cultivate stillness in their daily lives, offering a roadmap to navigate the challenges of the modern world with grace and resilience.

Key concepts:

  • Inner Calm: Holiday emphasizes the importance of cultivating inner calm amidst the external turbulence of life.
  • Stoic Philosophy: Drawing from Stoic principles, the book advocates for self-control, mindfulness, and the ability to detach from external circumstances.
  • Presence: Being fully present in the moment is highlighted as a source of strength and clarity in decision-making.
  • Solitude: Holiday explores the power of solitude in fostering creativity, self-discovery, and a deeper understanding of oneself.
  • Discipline and Routine: The book underscores the role of discipline and structured routines in achieving stillness, emphasizing the value of consistency.
  • Balance: A balanced life, both in work and leisure, is promoted as a key component of finding stillness and maintaining overall well-being.
  • Mindfulness Practices: Practical exercises and mindfulness techniques are provided to help readers integrate stillness into their daily lives.

Real-World Examples

  • Historical Figures: Holiday draws on the lives of historical figures such as Winston Churchill, John F. Kennedy, and Marcus Aurelius to illustrate the impact of stillness on decision-making and leadership.
  • Contemporary Examples: Modern success stories, as well as cautionary tales, are woven into the narrative to make the concepts applicable to the challenges of today.

Practical Applications

  • Mindful Action: The book encourages readers to engage in intentional and mindful actions, promoting a sense of purpose and focus. 
  • Digital Detox: Recognizing the impact of constant connectivity, Holiday advocates for periodic digital detoxes to reconnect with oneself.

"Stillness is Key" serves as a guide for individuals seeking a meaningful and fulfilling life in a world often characterized by noise and distraction. Through a combination of ancient wisdom and contemporary examples, Ryan Holiday offers practical insights that empower readers to embrace stillness as a foundation for a more balanced and purpose-driven existence.

Get Stillness is Key on Amazon


Courage is Calling

By Ryan Holiday

Courage is Calling By Ryan Holiday 

"Courage is Calling" delves deeply into the timeless virtue of bravery and how it influences both personal and professional development. Drawing inspiration from historical figures, philosophical teachings, and modern examples, Holiday delivers a thought-provoking guide to embracing courage in the face of challenges. The book serves as a call to action, encouraging readers to cultivate resilience and confront their fears head-on to lead a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

  • Historical Insights: Holiday delves into the lives of historical figures who exemplified courage in the face of adversity, providing captivating stories that inspire readers to reflect on their own challenges.
  • Philosophical Wisdom: The author weaves in philosophical teachings, exploring the profound insights of thinkers such as Seneca and Marcus Aurelius, offering practical wisdom that can be applied to modern-day struggles.
  • Practical Strategies: "Courage is Calling" doesn't just dwell on theory; it provides actionable strategies and practical advice to help readers develop courage in their daily lives.
  • Modern Examples: By examining contemporary examples of courage, Holiday reinforces the idea that courage is not confined to the past. He highlights individuals who have overcome obstacles, offering relatable models for readers to emulate.
  • Resilience and Growth: The book emphasizes the connection between courage, resilience, and personal growth. Holiday argues that facing challenges with courage is not only a means of survival but a pathway to thriving in the face of adversity.
  • Mindset Shift: Through compelling narratives and persuasive arguments, Holiday challenges readers to shift their mindset, viewing obstacles not as insurmountable roadblocks but as opportunities for growth and transformation.
  • Balancing Fear and Courage: Holiday acknowledges the existence of fear but emphasizes the importance of navigating it with courage. The book provides a nuanced understanding of fear and courage, guiding readers to find a healthy balance.
  • Authenticity and Integrity: Courage is presented as closely tied to authenticity and integrity. Holiday advocates for aligning one's actions with one's values, reinforcing the idea that true courage stems from a place of authenticity.
  • Inspiring Quotes: The book is peppered with memorable quotes and insights that serve as powerful reminders of the transformative potential of courage.

In "Courage is Calling," Ryan Holiday delivers a poignant and empowering message, urging readers to embrace courage as a guiding force in their lives, navigating challenges with resilience and authenticity. The combination of historical depth, philosophical wisdom, and practical strategies makes this book a compelling read for anyone seeking to cultivate courage and face life's uncertainties with confidence.

Get Courage is Calling on Amazon

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